Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Thoughts On Faith

1 Corinthians 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
This is the first verse in our lesson for tomorrow. I think this is an extremely powerful and telling chapter in the many books of the Bible, and to me really speaks to how we should display that we are truly Christians.
A lot of people these days get caught up in the show, whether it be on TV, talking to friends personally, or even at Church. In this verse and moving forward in the chapter, Paul really tells us that no matter what you say or how you act when the spotlight is on, it doesnt matter to God. What really matters to God is what you do, what you say, how you live, and how you LOVE that truly shows whether or not you've truly heard the teachings of Jesus.
What can all of this mean to you? What can it do to affect your everyday? Personally - I can talk about the Bible, or my faith to any and everybody, but the second they see that I dont take these words to heart, then I havent done anything to help Christianity, Ive hurt it. This is because in todays world, there are a lot of people that have a hard time latching on to any faith, especially Christianity, because of the shortfalls and hypocrissy that those that have come before us have put forth in this world. The only way to repair these wounds and show people that Christianity is not about being a "holy roller" or the concept of "give me money, give me green, Heaven you will meet - Make a contribution and youll get the better seat" that everyone sees on TV or when they are lambasted for making a choice that a "Christian" disagrees with, is to LOVE and show people that the true mark of a "Christian" is to speak the word of God and then take that word and live it, for all to see, especially yourself.

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