Monday, February 7, 2011

Eat A Frog

Lets go for a short, non-lesson trip. This will be, what I now anticipate to be the 2nd of many "Christian Leadership" pieces.

There is an old saying that if the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a frog, nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day. In leadership this relates to a great book called "Eat that frog!" by Brian Tracy that speaks to procrastination and how to beat it. Here, I am going to take these concepts and apply them to evangelism. One part of Christianity that we at The Church Of The Brethren are admittedly not as fervant about as we'd like to be or nealry as much as a lot of other denominations.

First up, my scripture piece:

18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -- Matthew 28:18-20

So, what are we saying here? GET OUT THERE AND SPREAD THE WORD! Now In the last few pieces Ive given Ive taught you how to walk the walk, now its time to start talking the talk. This is a really hard thing to do in a lot of cases, you may feel uneducated, or perhaps afraid of the response you would receive. I know Ive been there, but the thing is that Jesus expects us to get out there and talk about him. He knows we are going to get rejected or opposed from time to time, but thats OK, matter of fact, thats AWESOME! Ok, so I know you're saying to yourslef right now, why is failing awesome? Sounds crazy right? Well the thing about failing in front of people, you share that moment and you will all grow, they will see you're genuine, adn you will learn how to possibly better approach the situation next time. On top of that, its not really a failure because they heard you, they just might not agree. Being heard is the first step there. Plus, one of my favorite quotes of all time is from Thomas Edison "I have not failed! I've simply found 10,000 ways that do not work." In other words, after you get that rejection, regroup, rethink, and try again later.

Here is why Im telling you to go out and eat that frog. If youve watched the video I posted on profile, you know that its all about finding the frogs on your list, and eating them first, and IMHO, this is one of the biggest/baddest frogs in the world of the Christian faith. So if you go ahead and go for it, the rest is all easy sailing, and those successes will fuel you to go further everyday, all day. It's that simple really, get up, go out, and Eat aThat Frog! It will make your LEAP that much more exhillirating and powerful!

Thats it for that one - Talk to ya soon on next weeks lesson!
Wanna read the book Eat That Frog? Shoot me a message and I will get you a copy, its a VERY short read in relation to most leadership books.

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